Monday, November 23, 2009

The Day the Preacheer Skipped Church

This past Sunday I skipped church. It was the first time in many many years that I was not in church on Sunday morning. I guess you could say that I took a sick day.
I could have easily come to church even though I was a little under the weather, but what would be the point, my voice was nearly gone. I figured that if I couldn't talk I couldn't give my message. Even if I could have managed to deliver my message, who would want to be around a sickie. No I don't have the swine flu, Deb can attest, I haven't squealed one time. I don't have a fever, or chills, or any flu symptoms. I just have a bad cold that got in my throat and robbed me of my voice.
But thanks for all your prayers, they mean much to me.

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