Monday, November 23, 2009

Sermon Series

Biblical Parenting for the Twenty first Century
This is the title of our current series. We are just getting started and it will take us into the new year.
Some people might think that Biblical parenting, i.e. using the Bible's principles for raising kids, is just plain outdated and won't work today. We are going to see that the Bible way is the only way that really works. God made us and He knows what we need. Every time man tries his own way it ends badly.

Join us for this series. We'll try to record and post the messages online as well.

Thanksgiving Dinner Ministry

Tomorrow volunteers from the church and a few from the community will be delivering 25 turkey dinners to folks who are a little hard up this year.

This is the first year for this ministry and I've been excited to see how folks have responded. Honestly the hardest part has been locating people that could really need a meal. It always seems that many of the most needy will never come asking. But through the passing out of fliers, contacting of newspapers and paying for one news ad, we've found 25 people in need of a meal.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must be known for our kindness, love, and hospitality. The early Christians were known by there love and we should be also. May God receive all the glory from this ministry.

The Day the Preacheer Skipped Church

This past Sunday I skipped church. It was the first time in many many years that I was not in church on Sunday morning. I guess you could say that I took a sick day.
I could have easily come to church even though I was a little under the weather, but what would be the point, my voice was nearly gone. I figured that if I couldn't talk I couldn't give my message. Even if I could have managed to deliver my message, who would want to be around a sickie. No I don't have the swine flu, Deb can attest, I haven't squealed one time. I don't have a fever, or chills, or any flu symptoms. I just have a bad cold that got in my throat and robbed me of my voice.
But thanks for all your prayers, they mean much to me.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fun with teens after Bible study Wednesday

First we played a game --- eat the sour gummies as fast as possible.

Then I had four Snickers bars left over from another event. Since we had 12 teens I had to find away to give them away. I told them what whoever would beg like a dog could have one.

Harvest Rally

A few weeks ago our teens attended the Harvest Rally on a farm near Harrisburg. Despite cold rainy weather, nearly one thousand teens were in attendance. NLF showed up with ten teens.
The rain kinda ruined a lot of the games, but the preaching by Morris Gleiser was A++.