Thursday, February 12, 2009

Links to some great sermons

The first set comes from the men's retreat last weekend and the speaker is Mark Kittrell. The second sent is a collection of some of my favorites. I think everyone should listen to all of them. They are all excellent.

Evangelist Mark Kittrell
David's Purpose
David's Blunder
David's Mighty Men
David's Passion. This link is different. I could not upload it because if its' size. The link takes
you to the Independent Bible Church sermon page. You'll find many good sermons there.

Steps to personal revival. Bonus! This message was preached at the Independent Bible Church the Sunday after the men's retreat.

Music from men's retreat

Favorite Sermons you'll never regret hearing!

Dr. R.B. Ouellette. Don't know name of sermon but it is good.
Mike Pelletier. How Hot is Hell.
Tom Farrell. "How to get a man to Jesus"
Tom Farrell. "The Most Important Decision."
Tom Farrell. "Fill the House"

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