Nothing to worry about here folks. All this can be prevented if we just start teaching the next generation to practice safe sex. Oh wait, we've been doing that for twenty or thirty years haven't we. Hmmm, what could the problem be? Certainly it can't be that God wants people to get married and practice monogamous marital sex ONLY! Nah, can't be, because that would mean everyone would have to admit that there is a God, and evolution is a lie, and that there is such thing as moral absolutes. Nope, people should just go on living like dogs and expect the government to come up with some solution for them.
Here are two links to this story about herpes:
Raw Story link Quote from story:
"The study, released Monday, says about 26 percent of New York City adults have genital herpes, compared to about 19 percent nationwide. The department says genital herpes can double a person's risk for contracting HIV."
Although I agree that God's law must be followed; however, I couldn't disagree with you more about people "living like dogs". As chosen of God, shouldn't we be the ones showing more compassion? ("Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."- Matt 5:7) What the statistic shows is that more people in that area are coming forth- something that may not be occurring here. So to say "Nothing to worry about here folks" shows signs of real ignorance. Remember Hosea 4:6- "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge... In this case, not knowing is more dangerous than knowing.
Are you addressing how people living in sin should be coming out? What happen to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Why does this post give the perception that those who have caught this disease have sinned and are beyond salvation? What about the bride or groom who is obeying God's law and not strayed and has a spouse who has and contracts this? Are they sinners beyond salvation? Should they live like dogs? What about rape victims, who through no fault of their own now live with this. Certainly, there must be some mercy for them. Once again, this statistic shows that people have come forth to be tested, not necessarily the lifestyle. And "expect the government to come up with some solution for them" is completely obnoxious of you! It is such high-minded, right-wing ideology, which is in fact contradictory to the good news of the bible, that turns those who are looking for God's love to yield to temptations and sin. Imagine someone Googling "Herpes" and your blog comes up, and they read this. Are you giving hope or are you like a "sounding brass" (1 Cor 13:1)? Remember when you speak on these things, please speak if as if you were coming from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. People are looking for something bigger than themselves, This is an absolute. Agape love can be that which is bigger than themselves and draw them closer to an understanding of God and what He calls for us to do. When you fail to open up about God's love and continue to constantly condemn, two things then happen:
1. You are condemning yourself (Luke 6:37)
2. You are sending those you are condemning closer to the things you condemn.
Look at it this way: If the church tells me that I'm evil and sinful (failing to mention there is a way out), and MTV says I'm ok the way I am, which would I turn to? In order to get them to understand the Holy Spirit, you must appeal to the human spirit: the desire to belong. Remember John 3:17 "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." Jesus became flesh, though he did not sin, He became flesh! That's so important. God could have come up with so many ways for man to be redeemed, but to send His Son. Not only did He become flesh, He became so meek. Through that, many that believed on Him were and are saved. This is lost by many in the church today. We cannot turn our noses down on those who sin; we do, we are then no better than them. In fact, pride is one of the deadly sins. People are not expecting the government to come up with a solution, they are waiting for the Children of God to take their rightful place as the peacemakers and reach out to them and uplift them. God is beyond government and the Body of Christ should be as such.
Even if this blog was out of sarcasm, how can you claim what you say to be of God? Or is this out of your flesh? WWJD
Pastor Hughes,
Also refer to Matt 25:34-46. Let that soak in and marinate! This is what we are commanded to do by Christ. Remember, to the least of these, you have already done unto me!
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