I'm not going to try to hide this, I believe that the "global warming" hysteria is a bunch of political hype. Over the past few years I've read just about every article I've come across on the topic and it is clear to me that, at the very least, there are serious problems with the theory (being taught as fact - like evolution) that we are in a man made catastrophic global warming trend.
As I've stated previously, the biggest reason I'm not concerned about global destruction from global warming and ice melt is that I already know how the earth ends. Actually, it does end with global warming, but it is instantaneous burning up of the heavens and earth. However, according to my understanding of the Bible we are at least a millennium away from that.
Could God use or allow global warming to harm many people on the earth? Absolutely! But from the evidence of many, many, many scientists the globe is not warming because of man made intervention. I've got a collection of articles saved which point out the impact of the sun (sun spots), water current patterns, and wind patterns, among other things. Many world renowned scientists are writing about the impact of these things upon weather and temperatures. I'll be highlighting these from time to time.
What is interesting is the way those promoting the industry of "global warming hysteria" to the public and our children spin facts when it is convenient for them. They simply explain away the facts. Here is an article that came up today from the BBC News science department. (see it
First the article admits that the globe peaked in temperature in 1998. Then he tells us that the total global increase has been about 0.74 C this past century, but he then says that this year will only be about 0.4 C warmer than the average of 1961-1990. Now it seems to me that he is saying that we increased by 0.74 C, but are now only up 0.4 C. So we have had a net gain of .34 and the trend is moving back down.
He then gives a scientific explanation for the increase. He says that La Nina is to blame for this cooling. La Nina is a Pacific ocean current which has significant historical effects on cooling. Places like China have had record breaking cold this year because of La Nina.
Now let's think, the increase for the whole last half century, which has the world in hysterics, was 0.74 C, and La Nina, an ocean current cooled the whole earth by 0.34 C in one year. Is there really that big of a problem? Add to this some of the studies being done by real scientists on the impact of sun spots and other factors and I think we can all relax.
Despite the fact that the author of the above article essentially agrees with what I've just said, he ends by stating that he is confident that we are still in a warming trend and that in five years we will likely see record high temperatures. But of course he offers no science for that personal opinion.
Let me add this. While I think that there are numerous problems surrounding this issue, I do believe that as wise stewards of the planet, we should seek the most economic, clean, and safe means of energy possible. But remember, God gave it to us to be used.