Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What happend this past week

Last Sunday Missionaries Daniel and Karen Deverna spent the day with us. They are preparing to minister in Japan. Malachi is 16 months old and Karen is expecting again in July.

On our regular Thursday workday about a dozen people came out to work around the church and start getting ready for VBS. Bob power washed the deck, John mowed the grass, Judy painted trim in the auditorium, and several ladies painted signs for VBS. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us on Thursdays for fun work around the church.
On Sunday we celebrated the two years we've had with the Crocketts. It was their last regular Sunday with us, but our loss is another Church's gain. We wish them the best and I will write a post about them very soon.

Social Networking - Good or Bad?

Dr. Paul Chappell has this great message on this topic.

An exciting week is approaching

This coming Sunday, May 3 will mark the first of what we hope to be many weeks of evangelistic meetings. This year our Evangelist team is the Mike Pelletier team. They bring with them the Murray's who lead in music and assist in children's ministries. Untold numbers of individuals have come to Christ for salvation and cleansing through these types of meetings over the years. We are praying for God to bless us in a special way this year.