Monday, August 25, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Global Warming is a Hoax

Found these excerpts on a political news page for New Jersey. They don't list the source of the study, but it is in line with what I've been reading in many other places.

“There are many credible members of the scientific community who have questioned the theory of global warming, and now we have some scientists actually suggesting the earth’s temperatures may be entering a period of dramatic cooling,” said Doherty, R-Warren and Hunterdon.

According to recent news reports, a top observatory that has been measuring sun spot activity predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next 20 years as solar activity slows and the planet drastically cools down. They suggest this could potentially herald the onset of a new ice age. Following the end of the sun’s most active period in over 11,000 years, the last 10 years have displayed a clear cooling trend as temperatures post-1998 leveled out and are now decreasing.

Earlier this year, John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, stated that manmade global warming is “the greatest scam in history,” adding, “I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam.” Coleman said the theory of global warming is based on fraudulent science.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sermon: "Get Real Religion" James 1:26-27

Sermon preached at New Life Fellowship Baptist Church on August 3, 2008

What is Real Religion? Do you have it or practice it? Listen to find out what God calls Real Religion and learn where you stand with God.