Friday, May 30, 2008
Update of the NY gay marriage situation
In New York, the judicial branch may have some competition in the race to redefine marriage. Gov. David Paterson (D), Eliot Spitzer's replacement, is inventing new policymaking powers for the executive office by issuing a statewide directive that same-sex "marriages" performed in other jurisdictions will be recognized in New York. Announced the day before California's Supreme Court ruling, the sweeping decision will impact as many as 1,300 rules and regulations "governing everything from joint filing of income tax returns to transferring fishing licenses between spouses." Under the order, same-sex couples who reside or work in New York will receive the same benefits as heterosexual spouses. Paterson described the decision as "a strong step toward marriage equality," instead of what it truly is--an attempt to circumvent the legislature and propel the state closer to gay "marriage" without voters' consent. Under Spitzer, a bill was introduced to legalize homosexual unions, but it never passed New York's Republican-led Senate. Paterson's office sees this as the next best thing. Although the order is the first of its kind in the U.S., other left-leaning governors will almost certainly follow suit. If you're a New York resident, please express your outrage by contacting Paterson's office at 518-474-8390 or by emailing him at
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Homosexual Marriage is being Forced on America
A week or so ago the California Supreme Court overturned the California referendum banning gay marriage. A solid majority of the people had voted for the ban. The LA Times reports,
In 2000, 61% of California voters approved a ballot measure, Proposition 22, that said "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."(read article)
Now the court said that the ban was unconstitutional. The same LA Times article states,
In a 4-3 decision, the justices rule that people have a fundamental 'right to marry' the person of their choice and that gender restrictions violate the state Constitution's equal protection guarantee
Isn't it interesting that all this is happening at the same time that the nation is outraged about polygamists in Texas where teen girls are married to older men. Don't get me wrong, I'm outraged about polygamist marriage and child abuse, but I don't understand why the crowd that supports gay marriage and other perversions of morality should be so upset. Since the obvious and normal, not to mention moral definition of marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman, and since they have declared that normal definition obsolete, what is there to stop other kinds of marriages from being accepted. There is no reason why in twenty years the courts won't declare marriage between a mother and her son to be legal, between a mother and her daughter, between a man and his dog. As long as it is consensual, there will be those who argue for twelve year olds to marry their grandfathers. The naysayers will say I'm being absurd, but then everyone in America would have said that the possibility of gay marriage being legal was absurd just twenty years ago.
The bottom line is this: In the absence of some acknowledged moral authority to govern our lives, right and wrong boils down to the weak compulsions of the flesh, majority decision in the voting booth, and personal opinions of appointed judges. Who do I want as my moral authority, a bunch of atheist judges who hate God and don't believe the Bible, or the authority of God and the Bible itself? I'll take God's Word.
The courts of the state of New York have declared gay marriage illegal. This has not in the least slowed the agenda of the pro gay movement. This article yesterday informs us that while the state can not perform gay marriages, it will be illegal to not recognize the gay marriage performed in another location. The article starts as follows:
Same-sex marriages legally performed elsewhere will be recognized in New York in response to a state court ruling this year, Gov. David Paterson's spokeswoman said Wednesday.
State agencies, including those governing insurance and health care, must immediately change policies and regulations to make sure "spouse," "husband" and "wife" are clearly understood to include gay couples, according to a memo sent earlier this month from the governor's counsel.
Gay marriage is not legal in New York, and the state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, has said it can only be legalized by the Legislature. But the memo, based on a Feb. 1 New York Appellate Division court ruling, would recognize the marriages of New Yorkers who are legally wed elsewhere.
So, while gay marriage is illegal in the state, a state agency will be breaking the law if they fail to recognize a gay marriage from another state and give health and insurance and other benefits to that couple. Presumably a person refusing to obey this court made law could face loss of job, fines, or who knows, maybe imprisonment! Something is vastly inconsistent and wrong when the state declares the marriage illegal but punishes those who fail the recognize the validity of it.
Well, Fight the Good Fight of Faith.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
What's on my mind?
Keep fighting the good fight!
Forward Ever, Backward Never